Embroidery is the process of stitching on a name, logo or a design onto a garment, cap, or bag. This process of decorating is typically used for polo shirts, dress shirts, caps, patches, and bags of all types.
The embroidery application involves a needle and thread for stitching decorative designs into fabric. Images, names, logos and other designs can be embroidered on shirts, caps, jackets, bags, towels and almost any other garment. Embroidery is generally priced by the size of the logo, in stitches. Which typically means, the pricing will be based on the amount of stitches it takes to reproduce your logo or design.
Before we can embroider your logo on the items you’ve chose, your logo must first be “digitized”.
Digitizing is the process of creating a file that tells the embroidery machine exactly where the needle needs to go, how far (creating a stitch) and how many times(stitch count). Digitizing is a service we provide for a small fee in order to convert your design or logo files to a digitized embroidery machine-ready readable file.
Once digitizing is completed for your design, we’ll stitch out a sample run and ensure we have a great looking design/logo before we place the order into production.